Kaito supports streaming out of the box we let you return a Response
with a ReadableStream
body, but we also have built-in utilities for doing server-sent events (SSE).
SSE is a technology that allows you to stream data to the client in realtime. It’s a very simple protocol. You can learn about it on MDN.
Kaito has a built-in utility for doing SSE, called sse
. This function returns a Response
object that you can return from your route.
const stream = router.get('/', async ({ctx}) => {
return sse(async function* () {
yield {data: 'Hello, world!'};
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
yield {data: 'Hello, world!'};
Basic streaming
You can also just return a response with a ReadableStream
router.get('/', async () => {
const stream = new ReadableStream<string>({
async start(controller) {
controller.enqueue('Hello, ');
await sleep(1000);
await sleep(1000);
return new Response(stream, {
headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'},